Friday, July 11, 2008

Netverdix: Online Paid Survey Site Review

Netverdix is a relatively new survey site with which I had been unfamiliar until I saw it on Lee’s list of survey sites. I joined over a month ago, and so far have been pleased with the results. I have received 2 surveys paying $2 each, and qualified for both of them. The good news is that neither of them took longer than 20 minutes to complete. I don’t think that the you’ll get many surveys (I haven’t) but you will be paid for the ones that you take with them.

Sign up was fairly easy, although after joining, you are encouraged to complete the member profiles. I started with the political one, and I’ll have to say that it took 30 minutes to do it. That seems like a long time, considering that there are about 15 to do. I quit after the first one, so I don’t know if all of them take that long. You are entered into a sweepstakes for completing each of them.

Payment is by check, and is sent out at the end of the month. Apparently there is a one month delay, but any amount over $2 that you have in your account on the first of the month will be sent to by check. That’s a low payout amount so you won’t have to wait a year to be paid, and as Martha Stewart says “that’s a good thing” ! I had a question for customer service in the beginning and they answered me within minutes! You don’t find that on many websites!

Overall, I think this one is worth giving a look. It’s free to join, so it’s really “no skin off your nose” as my granny used to say. Check it out and let me know what you think. Click here to join.

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